
Podbrief is a weekly email newsletter curating the most relevant podcasting news, events and jobs in New York City.

It’s run by me – Jonathan, to help you navigate NYC’s local podcasting industry and ecosystem.

Jonathan Baillie Strong

Who is Jonathan?

I’m a salsa dancing, Spanish-speaking, Belgian born Scot who got married and moved to New York in early 2017. I run a production agency called Spotlight Podcasting.

Not long after I arrived in New York, the mayor’s office published a report proclaiming the city as the capital of podcasting.

Mayor's Office report on New York as the capital of podcasting

However, at the time of the publication and as a relative newcomer to the city, I had difficulty finding a regular source of information on news updates, events or opportunities for professional development in this space.

That’s why I created Podbrief, a weekly newsletter that provides you with the latest news updates, events and job opportunities.

So if you want to stay up to date and join other readers from the likes of Midroll, Stitcher, Voxnest and Simplecast as well as tracking what the major players are doing and network with fellow professionals, you won’t want to miss out – sign up to the newsletter below!